MARY BINDER Freywald Memorial Scholarship

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Text regarding award
Applicants must be enrolled in a vocational/technical program at LMHS, have a
3.0 GPA for the 10th thru 12th grade and financial need. The applicant must also
be planning to pursue a vocational or technical degree, which is not agricultural.
(Available on LMHS Scholarship Website) ** Please include all required materials
Required Materials (to be included with all applications)
1. Page #1 – Cover sheet that includes the name of the scholarship and your name
2. Page #2 - Completed Application
3. Page #3 - Student resume or profile
4. Page #4 - Personal statement of educational & career goals (300-500 words)
5. Page #5 - Attach an unofficial copy of your current 7 semester transcripts
6. Page #6 – Attach your FAFSA Confirmation page or Page 1 of your Student Aid Report.
7. Page #7 - Attach a letter of recommendation from school personnel
8. Page #8 - Attach a letter of recommendation from someone other than school personnel
9. Page #9 - Attach signed terms and conditions of scholarship rules
10.Page #10 – Completed financial statement (Found in this scholarship description)
(see LMHS Scholarship Website for examples and procedures for requesting letters)
** Note: Students or parents may include a sealed explanation of any special problems or
unusual circumstances which make it difficult to contribute towards this student's continuing
The award recipient will be notified to attend the Los Molinos High School Scholarship Award Night on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the LMHS Gym.
Submit the completed application to the Los Molinos Counseling Office on or before
April 15. If April 15th falls on a day when the school is closed, the applications are due the first
day the school is open after April 15th. Late applications cannot be accepted.
Please refer to the following pages for scholarship terms and conditions, signature page and
financial status form.
This scholarship normally shall be awarded to not more than one person annually
except that, should the Scholarship Committee find that adequate funds are available from
the proceeds of the investment, other worthy candidates may be considered. The monetary
amount of the scholarship is to be determined by the Scholarship Committee giving
consideration to the following factors:
1. Proceeds available from invested funds
2. Estimated costs of the education for the recipient(s)
The scholarship is to be awarded to a worthy female or male recipient who will be or is
pursuing a course of study leading to a degree or certificate in industrial technology or a
vocational trade field. Agriculture is specifically excluded. The school where such studies
are to be pursued shall be accredited and/or approved by the appropriate State Department
of Education.
To be eligible for the Mary Binder Freywald Memorial Scholarship, applicants must meet
the following criteria
1. Show promise in or be enrolled in a vocational/technical program of the Los Molinos
High School.
2. Be in need of assistance to pursue worthy goals in a vocational trade or technical field.
3. Be a member of the current year graduating class of Los Molinos High School or a
former graduate of Los Molinos High School who has maintained at least a 3.0 grade
point average or better. A continuing recipient who meets this qualification will have
precedence over other applicants.
4. Show a commitment to obtaining every possible free dollar for college by completing a
FAFSA application yearly which will be shown by including either a confirmation of
submission or page one of the Student Aid Report (SAR).
5. A continuing recipient may qualify for renewal of the scholarship upon presentation of a
transcript of credit or other official evidence verifying at least a 3.0 cumulative grade
point average or better except in the first semester of study, a 2.5 grade point average
will be acceptable.
1. Scholarship application forms may be secured from the Counseling Office of the Los
Molinos High School. Completed applications must be submitted to the Counseling
Office on or before April 15 of the year of application in order for the applicant to be
considered for the scholarship. Continuing recipients must submit an application with
supporting data regarding school attendance, grades and units to the Los Molinos High
School on or before April 15th of each year. Note: If April 15th falls on a day when the
school is closed, the applications are due the first day the school is open after April 15th.
2. Prior graduates and/or recipients must submit an application with supporting data
regarding school attendance to the Counseling Office of the Los Molinos High School
on or before April 15th of the year of application.
The scholarship committee shall be composed of the following Los Molinos High School
1. The principal and/or Superintendent of the Los Molinos High School.
2. Two teachers from Los Molinos High School.
3. Two members of the Los Molinos Unified School District Board of Trustees.
4. The counselor of Los Molinos High School.
5. Should a member of the scholarship committee be related to an applicant for the
scholarship, that committee member shall be excused from deliberations for that year.
Another member of the administration, faculty or member of the District Board of
Trustees is to be selected to take that individual's place on the scholarship committee.
6. Decisions rendered by the committee shall be final.
7. The scholarship committee may adopt additional rules and regulations or modify
existing rules and regulations providing that the basic intent of the fund, i.e. to assist
worthy students in acquiring a certificate or degree in a trade or vocational field, not be
1. The scholarship shall be awarded annually and may be renewed for a period not to
exceed four years providing that the recipient remains in good standing at his or her
school, college or university and meets all other scholarship conditions.
2. The amount of the scholarship for each recipient will be determined annually and will be
dependent upon the amount of funding available from the proceeds of the funds
invested and demonstrated need.
3. The award may be used only to defray expenses incident to the student's attendance at
a college, university, community college or professional, technical or trade school.
4. The recipient must maintain at least a 12semester unit load or be certified as a full time
student in a program leading to a degree or certificate in an industrial technology or
vocational trade field (agriculture is specifically excluded). The recipient must maintain
at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average for all courses taken except that in the first
semester of study a 2.5 grade point average will be acceptable. Furthermore, the
recipient must have a minimum 2.0 GPA for the most recent term regardless of
cumulative GPA. Recipients must send official transcripts of record to the committee to
verify that they are meeting the requirements of the scholarship as outlined in this
document. It is the responsibility of the recipient to secure this verification and submit it
to the committee in a timely fashion, otherwise payment of the fund will not occur. The
scholarship is valid only while the recipient remains in good standing at the school of
5. The recipient will be paid on a semiannual basis (October and February) upon
presentation of verification data. Recipients who interrupt schooling in midterm or who
do not meet qualifications as specified in this document will be required to repay any
funds received and agree to this stipulation as attested by the signature below.
6. Should injury or illness cause a student to withdraw from school, the award may be held
for the recipient not to exceed one year. Should the recipient be drafted or choose to
enroll into military service, the scholarship will be continued upon re-entry into any
school, college, or university as provided above if the recipient enrolls within one year
after discharge from the military service. Should the recipient take part in a church
mission, AmeriCorps, or similar service-type activity, the scholarship will be continued
upon re-entry into any school, college, or university as provided above if the recipient
enrolls within one year after the completion of their mission or service commitment. The
recipient is required to notify the scholarship committee in writing prior to the start of
their military service or service commitment and must provide documentation verifying
their military service or service commitment when such service is complete.
7. The scholarship must be used in the semester or quarter immediately following its
award and the recipient must attend continuously without interruption except as
described above.
8. Worthy applicants who are previous graduates of the Los Molinos High School and who
in all other respects meet the requirements outlined in this document will be given
consideration for scholarship funding.
9. Recipients who fail to meet terms for renewal may write a letter to the scholarship
committee explaining any special circumstances and requiring “probation”. Probation
MAY be granted to a student’s upon review of circumstances by the committee. When a
student is in danger of failing or is advised by a counselor to drop a class, they are to
contact the District Superintendent of the Los Molinos Unified School District. The
committee realizes that sometimes circumstances arise that are beyond a student’s
control. Each situation will be looked at individually.
1. The applicant named below has received a copy of the MARY BINDER FREYWALD
Scholarship Rules, has read these rules and understands his/her obligations and
2. The applicant understands that it is her/his responsibility to submit an application form for
the scholarship annually by April 15th so the scholarship committee can know of her/his
plans. Failure to submit the application will result in forfeiture of the scholarship. Note: If
April 15th falls on a day when school is closed, the applications are due the first day the
school is open after April 15th.
3. The applicant agrees that, should he/she interrupt his/her schooling midterm, it will be
his/her obligation to repay a prorated share of the funds received and he/she agrees to do
so. Further, the applicant agrees to furnish Los Molinos High School with a grade report
and transcript of credit or verification of enrollment for each term attended during the
scholarship term.
4. The applicant understands that, if he/she falls to use the scholarship in the semester or
quarter following receipt or interrupts his/her schooling for other than medical or military
service reasons, he/she will forfeit the scholarship.
Name of Applicant
Signature of Applicant
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Name: Date:
Mailing Address: Phone:
City: Zip:
College or Vocational School Planning to Attend:
Date Course will Begin: Date Course will End:
Educational Goal (give name of course of study):
At completion of course I will receive a Certificate, Diploma or a Degree (type of degree):
Have you ever been, or do you expect to be the beneficiary of a scholarship or other award(s)?
YES NO If yes, give name(s) and amount(s):
Have you applied for or are you receiving financial aid for the upcoming school year?
Will you work while attending school?
YES NO If yes, give estimated number of hours:
Budget for full academic year of: How many months?
Tuition and Fees (full academic year not monthly):
Books and Supplies:
Room and Board:
I plan to live: In dorm Off Campus At Home
Travel Expenses:
Basic Living Expenses:
I have read the scholarship rules and understand the commitments and obligations I must take
upon myself.
Signed_____________________________________________ Date___________________
(An applicant may submit letters of recommendation to supply information about his/her
character, ability, and financial needs or unusual circumstances. Such letters are optional, but
must be attached to this form)