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For Application Requirements Click HERE 

Scholarship Rules:
      1.The amount of the scholarship or scholarships awarded shall be determined by the committee based on the amount of proceeds available from the invested endowment.
2.The scholarship shall be available to all qualified applicants regardless of ethnicity, color, national origin, gender, age, or handicapped conditions.
1.The scholarship is to be awarded to worthy recipients who will pursue a course of study leading to a post-secondary degree or certificate from a college, university, community college or vocational school. The school where such studies are to be pursed shall be accredited and/ or approved by the appropriate State Department of Education.
Ill. SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY 1. Starting with the 2021-2022 school year, eligible applicants must be:
       a.    A member of the current graduating class of Los Molinos High school.
       b.    A previous graduate of Los Molinas High School
       c.    A current member of a high school graduating class from another school whose parent, grandparent or great grandparent attended or  graduated from Los Molinos High School.
       d.    A previous high school graduate from another high school whose parent, grandparent, or great grandparent attended or graduated from Los Molinos High School.
2.    New applicants must be from the current year's graduating class, satisfying the conditions above, and must have a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0. To reapply, a previous scholarship recipient would provide transcripts or other evidence verifying at least a 2.0 grade point average during post-secondary education. Precedence shall be determined based upon the merit and need of the
candidates at the sole discretion of the committee.
The committee will have the sole right to invest the funds as they choose. Los Molinas Unified School District or the Board of Trustees will need written permission from the committee to change any investments of these scholarship funds. They are currently invested in certificate of deposits and a money market account with Edward Jones.
Monthly statements from Edward Jones shall be sent to the committee.
1.AII checks presented to the scholarship awardees shall be signed by a member of the committee. The checks will be in the possession of the committee before being awarded.
1.The scholarship committee shall be comprised of the following members:
Jill Carothers Botts
Danny Allen Carothers
Bo James Botts
Kendi Botts Merlo
April Dawn Botts Merlo
Donald Carothers
Fred Duane Botts
2.    Decisions rendered by the committee shall be final.
3.    The scholarship committee, may at its discretion include the high school principal, counselor, and/ or district
superintendent in meetings of the committee.
4.    The scholarship committee may at its discretion, interview applicants.
5.    The scholarship committee may adopt additional rules and regulations, modify existing rules and regulations, or
appoint or remove members of the committee by a
majority vote of Its members still living. Any changes will be presented to Los Molinas Unified School District in a
dated revision copy of the Jill Botts Leadership and Service Scholarship at which time those changes will become the rules of this scholarship.
1.Scholarship application forms may be secured from Los Molinos High School {LMHS} or a member of the 
scholarship committee. Complete􀀒 applications must be submitted on or before April 15th of the year of the 
application in order to be considered for the scholarship. The applications can be submitted to the counselor at Los Molinas High School or to a member of the committee. Should April 15th fall on a weekend or any day that Los Molinas High School is not open for business, the 
scholarship application is due by 4:00 pm on the last day prior to April 15th when LMHS is open. 
2.Prior recipients are required to submit an application annually with supporting documents to LMHS or a committee member before
April 15th. Should April 15th fall on a weekend or any day that LMHS is not open for business, the scholarship application is due by 4:00 pm on the last day prior to April 15th when LMHS is open. 
1.    The scholarship or scholarships may be awarded if interest is available over the principal or if the
committee determines they wish to spend some of the principal and interest.
2.    The award may be used to defray expenses incidental to the student's attendance at a college, university,
community college, vocational or trade school.
3.    The recipient must maintain at least a 9-unit semester load (or equivalent) or be certified as a full-time
student in a program leading to a degree or
certificate. The scholarship recipient must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average for all courses taken or passing status if grades are not awarded in the program. Recipients must send official transcripts of record to LMHS or committee to verify that all
requirements for continuation of the scholarship as outlined in this document are met. It is the
responsibility of the recipient to secure this verification and submit it to the committee or LMHS in a timely fashion; otherwise, payment of scholarship funds will be withheld.
4.    The scholarship is valid only while the recipient remains in good standing at the school of attendance unless the committee decides to give the recipient a probation waiver for a year.
5.    The recipient will be paid on a semi-annual basis (typically September and January) upon presentation of evidence of compliance with terms of the scholarship.
6.    The scholarship must be used in the semester or quarter immediately following the award, and the recipient must attend continuously without interruption.